Through the eyes of erich salamon

Under construction: de Nederlandse beschrijving volgt nog.

Erich Salomon was a Jewish News Photographer in Berlin, until the Nazi’s rose to power in 1933. He then fled to the Netherlands. Here he lived in The Hague, where he mainly took pictures in the parliament, and of The Royals. With the German invasion of the Netherlands following the start of the Second World War, Erich Salomon was trapped. He decided to go into hiding with his family, but was eventually discovered. After deportation, to Westerbork, and some months in the Jewish ghetto of Theresienstadt, he was eventually murdered in Auschwitz. I Followed in his footsteps by making the same journey he did, and photographed that which he couldn’t capture on film. With my project I hope to raise more awareness for the Holocaust, so that people may be more aware of the dangers of preconceptions, racism, and discrimination. These 6 images tell his story from dark to light (light shows his freedom), and each has his own story to tell, which I explain beneath them. This is my interpretation of the last period of his life. The project was the graduation project for my Photography study, and also a collaboration with the Anne Frank foundation, for which I was Youth Ambassador.

The period in 1933 in Berlin, when he was uncertain about what the future might bring.

The time he spend in hiding, that he wanted to go outside, but couldn’t.

The moment he was discovered while hiding, and had the feeling it could end either good or bad.

The story is going into a certain direction, the one of the railtrack, and that he hasn’t got any influence on the situation.

The freedom is close, at the other side of the fence. But the fence is endless.

He found his freedom, but not in the way he had hoped.

Underneath is the movie I made, which will lead you from his house in Berlin, to his final destination, Auschwitz. The pictures are in chronological order.

Underneath are some images which were taken at different expositions of my project, at the Anne Frank House, the Public Library in Rotterdam, the Grafisch Lyceum in Rotterdam and a church in Rotterdam.